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Instructions For Your Beginners Candle Making Kit

Posted on March 11, 2016

Welcome to Candle making , have fun.

Please note the instructions below state specific glassware.  As the kit is regularly updated please adapt the instructions to suit whatever glassware you have or is in the kit.

Your beginners candle making kit contains:

14 x 142gm Clear Apothecary
1 x Glass Thermometer
14 x CDN 8 Cotton Wicks
6 x 25ml Fragrances 
4 x Assorted dye blocks
2 x 1kg GW 464 Container Soy Wax
14 x Small warning labels
14 x Wick Stickums
5 x Wick holders

Welcome to Candle making, have fun.
The above items plus some basic kitchen scales and a pot to melt your wax in are all you need to get started.

Take the jars from the box and place them on a table that you will be able to work from comfortably and spillages will not damage the surface of the table.
The first item you will require is 1 of the jars, 1 wick, 1 Aussie Stickum and 1 of the wick holders.

Peel one Aussie Stickum from the sheet and attach it to the wick tab on
the bottom of the wick, peel the piece of paper off the other side of the stickum.

Carefully place the tabbed end of the wick with the stickum attached into the jar,
making sure it is in the centre of the jar. Press down firmly.

Now take the wick holder and poke the secured wick up through centre hole of the wick holder and slide it into the small end groove of the centre hole so that it forms a tight fit. This will stop the wick moving around when you pour the candle. Try to secure the wick as near to the middle of the jar as possible, it might take a few goes but you will be an expert in no time.

Now take 55grams of the soy wax (the amount we suggest your size glassware holds on the website) and place it into a suitable pot for melting. This will make 1 candle.

Ideally you need a small pot that will sit in a larger pot of water to melt like a double boiler. Our aluminium pouring pots are perfect for this.

Once the wax has started to melt, add some shavings of your chosen dye block colour.  The more you shave in the darker your colour will be. Put a small amount in at first and wait for the wax to melt completely.

Once the wax has melted completely you can add your thermometer to the side of the pot (there's a clip on the side of the thermometer) You are looking to heat the wax up to 80 degrees Celsius.

When the wax has completely melted and your dye block chip has also melted, you can test the colour by placing a few drops of the melted wax on top of one another on a white surface and wait for them to dry. This will give you an indication of the shade of colour your finished candle will have. If you want more colour, add some more shavings and stir so they melt quicker.

If your wax has reached 80 degrees by this point turn the water off and measure out 4ml of fragrance, this will give you a fragrance load of around 7%.

Add the fragrance and stir in gently and you’re done.

All you need to do now is wait for the wax to drop to between 65-70 degrees C and pour the candle.

Pour gently into the jar trying not to get the melted wax on the wick holder, however it really doesn’t matter too much.

With practice it will become so easy. Lucky for you, you have 17 more candles to practice on and 1 candle hand made in your own home already curing.

Let your candle cure for 24 hours before burning.

Have fun.